采购产品扎染背景,扎染数码纸 by DigitalStudio
10豪华曼陀罗背景包 by dreamclub270
250+ 4K背景图像 by kobir
350+复古和多边形背景 by kobir
和谐的色调:和平的背景 by Tigma
金色闪亮的垃圾背景 by Shahjahangdb
清澈自然蓝海无尽景|深海|清澈水景 by kobir
Blue HD background with lines and circle design Image size 8048 pixels * 4500 pixels by Itx_fadii786
时尚的渐变背景的网站和博客 by Tigma
橙色高清背景图像8000像素* 4500像素 by Itx_fadii786
抽象闪亮的金色纹理背景 by Shahjahangdb
用这张橙色和蓝色液体的图片为你的网站或社交媒体帖子增添情趣 by Tigma
抽象闪亮的金色纹理背景 by Shahjahangdb
奢华闪亮的金色纹理背景 by Shahjahangdb
抽象蓝色背景与发光的白色矢量文件 by Graphic-Pixel
用这个抽象的背景提升你的项目 by Tigma
12个空间星系背景高质量模板的集合 by Graphic-Pixel
黑色和金色抽象艺术数字下载 by Tigma
紫色高清背景图8048像素* 4500像素 by Itx_fadii786
高级豪华白色和金色大理石背景包 by Stavrty
流动的对比波:一个惊人的抽象艺术形象 by Tigma
8套打开红色礼盒或红色礼物盒与红丝带和蝴蝶结隔离在白色背景 by kobir
新娘礼服背景插图 by Graphic-Pixel
涂鸦-og体育的背景 by FlatIcons
Template Name | Downloads | Price |
Sunflowers seamless pattern background, Watercolor Sunflower Digital Papers | 1 | $7 |
Black Pattern Background | Black Textured Background | Black Wall Textured | 1 | $5 |
混凝土和生锈的背景纹理 | 1 | $4 |
旧的和复古的纸纹理背景 | 1 | $6 |
夏季背景,夏季背景集,夏季数字纸 | 1 | $9 |
背景下载- JPG, PSD, SVG, AI格式
是否创建演示文稿, business card, 甚至是你社交媒体资料的掩护, backgrounds can help you make each of them more original and eye-catching.
拥有独特的背景可以帮助你将你的内容或整体业务与其他人区分开来, 让它更令人难忘,并加强品牌形象.
Thus, as you can imagine, unique backgrounds can benefit you in many ways.
得到想要的结果, backgrounds, 除了线性设计, 应该是高清和分辨率吗. 为了保证这些元素, 需要使用专业程序, 这通常需要经验和金钱.
A beginner, or an inexperienced person, may be unable to use this software effectively. 如果这描述了您的情况,您可以探索其他选择. 例如,你可以买现成的背景.
在Templateog体育首页市场中,你可以找到一些 backgrounds 由来自世界各地的专家设计.
Each of them is available in a specific format and presents an original design, 不同的颜色, shapes, illustrations, and graphics. 你可以选择一个最适合你的喜好,完美匹配你的品牌标识.
Although all the backgrounds are ready to use, most of them are customizable and editable. Thus, 即使你没有找到一个反映你想要的设计, 您可以稍后使用一些兼容的编辑程序来更改它.
Because there might be thousands of backgrounds, the choice might be hard. In such a case, 你可以按颜色过滤结果, price range, file format, 程序的兼容性, last time updated, and so on. This way, you’ll get only the results you’re interested in, saving time.
Ready-made backgrounds are versatile and can be used for different purposes. 你可以把它们放在任何你最需要或最喜欢的地方. 它们很容易适应任何类型的内容和格式. 以下是一些最常见的用法:
- presentations;
- advertisements;
- banners;
- books;
- business cards;
- flyers;
- video calls;
- brochures.
File formats
背景有多种格式. 每种格式都是专门为执行特定功能而设计的. Thus, based on your intended use, you may want to choose one over another. Here are some of the most common file formats you can encounter across the marketplace:
Most of the backgrounds you’ll find throughout the website are editable and customizable. 您可以使用一些兼容的编辑程序来更改颜色、形状或整体设计. 这里有一些你可以使用的最流行的软件:
- Adobe Illustrator;
- Adobe XD;
- Adobe Photoshop;
- Corel Draw;
- Figma;
- Sketch.
如前所述, 背景模板可用于多种目的, 因为它们可以很容易地适应不同的上下文和格式大小.
Zoom和Microsoft Teams等电子会议平台允许您在进行视频通话时更改要显示的背景. 不管你是在打正式电话还是非正式电话, you can choose an appropriate background to differentiate and make you stand out.
无论你想个性化你的电脑或手机背景, you can do it by choosing from the thousands and thousands of templates available online.
如果你喜欢分享报价,并有一个相关的页面, 您可以为每个帖子使用独特的背景来定制它们. 这样,你就可以建立一个品牌并个性化你的页面.
在大多数社交媒体帖子中使用一个独特的背景将帮助你增强你的品牌形象. Users will remember your style more easily and recognize it across the web and platforms.
Image backgrounds
You can also use background templates to edit and personalize your images. 您可能需要使用一些适当的编辑程序,在线工具或应用程序来完成此操作.
当呈现成千上万的背景模板, 根据你的需求选择合适的可能很困难. 如果这是你的案子, you can shortlist the results by taking into consideration some important details.
Your primary goal is to differentiate your background content style from the existing ones. 尤其是在出版的时候, thus, 你应该试着找一个从未见过的背景. This way, you’ll be able to make your content more memorable and eye-catching.
简单永远是上策. Regardless of the background you want to use, it must be simple and free of distractions. This is especially important when adding texts, illustrations, and other elements to it. 分散注意力的元素可能会导致用户对其他重要信息失去兴趣.
你可能已经听说过色彩心理学. Each color is capable of transmitting different emotions and sensations. As an example, blue encourages trust and competence, while yellow promotes creativity. Thus, 基于内容类型或你经营的业务, 你可以选择最合适的颜色.
Choosing a template doesn't mean you won't edit and customize it in any way. Instead, 你在网上和Templateog体育首页市场上找到的大多数都是可编辑的. 你可以改变颜色, shapes, or overall design according to your preferences or needs using compatible programs.
你可能想使用一个背景模板,并使其适应多种格式大小(社交媒体帖子), covers, presentations, and so on). 在这种情况下,背景模板需要响应. 响应性将允许您无限放大或缩小图像,同时保持其原始清晰度和分辨率. 这将允许您在重用时具有最大的灵活性.
许多原因解释了为什么许多人喜欢购买或下载背景模板,而不是自己设计. And the most important advantages are not related to appearance only.
Below we listed some of the most relevant advantages you can benefit from.
通过购买预先制作的背景模板, 你将能够节省时间和金钱,否则你会花在设计他们或聘请一个专业的网页设计师. You can use the templates straightforwardly and make changes in a few minutes.
大多数模板都是由专家设计的. 因此,他们都有一个专业和原创的外观. That means they convey trustworthiness and competence to your business or personal brand.
大多数背景模板都是独一无二的. Thus, you’ll avoid getting designs that are widely used across the web and platforms. As a result, 用户会更容易记住你的内容, 这样他们就能把你的设计和你的品牌联系起来.
背景模板可以用于和适应不同的格式大小和类型的内容. In this way, 相同的背景模板可以有多种用途,可以定制成适合任何大小, 节省你的时间和金钱.
Backgrounds FAQ
Adobe Illustrator is the best program to create a vector background. It offers a wide range of tools that will enable you for a perfect and detailed creation.
- 启动Zoom应用程序;
- 点击右下角的设置图标;
- 点击背景和滤镜;
- 点击“+”按钮,再点击“添加图像”;
- 选择并添加图像.
如何为Microsoft Teams添加自定义背景?
- Go to More [...]随叫随到的选项;
- 选择应用背景效果;
- 单击“添加新选项”;
- 预览并点击应用.
- Go to Settings;
- 点击聊天,然后是壁纸;
- Tap on Change;
- 点击我的照片;
- 选择并确认图像.